Ramble is album with several sub albums. Here is one: Office in Hutong.
Beijing, as the capital of China, has a long history, and currently is going through fast economical development.
Hutong, as the traditional urban typology of Beijing city, is slowly disappearing.
We try to find the offices in those Hutong, discover their ideas and life.

面以及家具;在古老的木材结构下,进行着新兴而国际的工作与研究。旧与新,传统与科技,过去与未来 --- 对比鲜明,却又交相辉映。

reMIX is a young office based in Beijing, born from the experience that the three founding partners (Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto and Nicola
Saladino) have developed during years of academic research and collaborations with various international firms, working on multiple design
Our expertise ranges from architecture to landscape and urban design. We move on multiple grounds, analyzing and re-describing their
performative logics. The understanding of the territory and its constitutive and constantly evolving metabolic networks and systems of power
relations allows us to re-define natural/artificial and local/global dichotomies, envisioning future social assemblages.
In order to achieve a systematic control on the energetic functionality and the spatial quality of the built environment we aim for the local
integration of architecture and landscape into a synthetic and modern urban hybrid.

发表作品 published projects
“废墟中的宝石”, Frame, Vol. 97, Moooi, 2014
“老院子的新未来”,青年视觉, Vol. 135.2013
“嵌入城市肌理的未来能源”[访谈],美国景观学会刊物,Vol. 103. No 12, 2013
哈佛设计学院作品选 5, Actar, 2013
社区设计, Vol. 51, 2012 / 05
城市空间设计, Vol. 17, 2011
哈佛设计学院作品选 4, Actar, 2012
哈佛设计学院作品选 4, Actar, 2012
复杂性与可持续发展, Vol. 09, Jan / Feb 2006
复杂性与可持续发展, Vol. 09, Nov / Dec 2008
paizi 38
- "Diamond in the Rough", Frame, Vol. 97, Moooi, 2014
- "A Future Vista of the Aged Alley", Vision Magazine, Vol. 135, 2013
overlapped city
- GSD Platform, Vol. 6, Actar, 2013
- "Energy Futures: How large-scale renewable could fit into cities", Landscape Architecture Magazine, vol 103 no 12, 2013
- Community Design, Vol. 51, 2012
delta city
- GSD Platform, Vol. 4, Actar, 2011
vertical territories
- GSD Platform, Vol. 3, Actar, 2011
dredging identity
Urban Flux, Vol. 17, 2011
Complexity and Sustainability, Vol. 09, 2006
Complexity and Sustainability, Vol. 09, 2008
展览 exhibitions
2013 – YMZ 2 在中国当代艺术中心展出 (英国,曼彻斯特)
2013 – reMIX事务所作品在北京国际设计周展出(中国,北京)
2013 - 记忆景观在法国建筑展展出 (蒙彼利埃)
2012 - 三角洲城市在鹿特丹双年展展出(荷兰)
2011 - 新运河上的城市在塔林建筑双年展展出(爱沙尼亚)
2014 - YMZ2 at the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, "Making Community, Not the Map Nor the Territory", Manchester, UK
2013 - reMIX at the Beijing Design Week in Dashilar, Beijing
2013 - memoryscape - Festival des Architectures Vives, Montpellier, France
2012 - delta city - Rotterdam Architecture Biennale, Netherlands
2011 - dredging identity - Tallinn Architecture Biennale, Estonia
获奖 awards
2011 美国景观协会 (ASLA) 优胜奖
2011 国际景观联盟 ( IFLA ) 第三名
2013 美国景观协会 (ASLA) 优胜奖
overlapped city
2013 ASLA Honour Award
vertical territories
2011 ASLA Honour Award
2011 IFLA Third Prize

What was the reason to choose a typical courtyard in hutongs as your office?
Compared to the generic outskirt landscape of mega-blocks, hutongs for us are the only areas that still provide some sense of locality in Beijing.
Apart from its intimate scales, we experience the rare remaining neighborhood and their dynamics just like in the old days: men playing chess,
women chatting, kids running, dogs and cats relaxing, shops with posters hand-drawn from the 70s – we find all different life scenes and surprises
in the hutong streets a truly inspiring experience. In our small courtyard a large date tree brings a nice sense of nature into the studio. In good
seasons, a ping-pong match, a cup of coffee during the lunch break in the courtyard is the best benefit of working in the hutongs. It’s a sort of
countryside life in the very center of a 20 million metropolis, it offers an unexpected intimate contact with “nature”, in fact, we have been
visited by all sort of animals, including a ferret that is inhabiting one of our roofs…
The studio was actually reMIX’s first built project and our first construction experience within such a hutong context: lack of infrastructure,
poorly kept building structure, intense adjacency and interaction with the neighbors. Within a very limited budget of less than 70,000 RMB, We
had to introduce two bathrooms and one kitchen to the rooms, adding an internal circulation and fixing a number of damages. One of the
bathrooms was sharing the same wall with our neighbor, who claimed the new bathroom will bring in humidity issues to his bedroom. After a long
process of intense negotiation, we built a second wall which makes the bathroom from 1.2m depth to the absolute minimum 1m. However, now we
have become good friends with him. Even though it was a tough process, such negotiation was very useful for us to understand the mentality of
the residents as well as the unique hutong “eco-system” that through interaction and frictions allows a large diversity of people to live with each
other in such proximity.
2 在这种地方办公你觉得对设计有什么影响没有?
Do you think you are influenced by such working environment?
Two years of living in the hutong provides us the opportunities to be embraced by a context in which daily confrontations, discussions and
conversations among the residents makes you understand the way they share their life and spaces, which is radically different from what one
could experience in other parts of the city. The promiscuous spatial admixture and proximity makes it a unique environment. The sense of
ownership here is perceived through a blurred glass, it is put constantly in re-discussion. This is almost the first challenge one would encounter in
any spatial intervention in such context.
Currently we are working on two Hutong renovation projects in Dashilar and one of the two is becoming an installation on the theme of property
fragmentation and historical spatial evolution of the hutongs for the 2014 Venice Biennale. Our “first-hand” experiences with the “hutong form”
has allowed us to better understand the priorities and concerns of the residents (insulation / heating / plumbing / privacy etc) --- We have
become familiar and sensitive of those very specific and practical issues by going through all of them ourselves. This makes it easier for us to
figure out the effective scale and strategy of intervention that would really make a meaningful impact on the everyday living conditions of the
local residents.
3 到了你们惬意的院落后,发现你们的团队十分国际化,老外似乎占了80%。三位合伙人中也有两位来自欧洲。临界这个如此国际化的团队是如
reMIX is a very international design team: in which foreign designers count for 80%. Two out of three partners are from Europe. How are you
running such an international team? In the context of globalization, are you intentional about making your works “local” in China? How is office
work usually divided?
The two Italians, Federico and Nicola, have lived 3 and a half years in China and Chen has spent the last two master-courses abroad (UK-US) so we
have a pretty balanced starting point in term of cultural mixture (or schizophrenia…). This cultural mix is an important characteristic of “reMIX”,
in which we welcome different perspectives; expertise brought by people from various backgrounds not only co-exist, but inspire each other
through challenging confrontations. Being “international”, we don’t want to fall in the typical errors of most international firms that have very
limited understanding and commitment with the local context in which they operate. We would like to take advantage of our diverse backgrounds,
which allows us to have a critical distance and gives us the opportunity to question things that would be given for granted by the locals. We believe,
this is an essential first step to any meaningful innovation.
The office is organized as a sort of non-hierarchical think-tank of influences and ideas, hence each project has a slightly different approach. Usually
there is one partner that coordinates the work and all the others give their contribution on a more punctual base. Being such a small office gives
everybody the opportunity to touch upon all the different phases of the design process.
We would like to be very careful when we discuss the issue of global and local. It’s difficult to judge or to approach architecture through these
trivial distinctions, and there is always the risk of falling into superficial or oversimplified statements and stereotypes. Of course, we believe if we
are truly interested and curious about the context of a design project: sensitive to discover its specific design conditions (locally available
materials and construction techniques) and strategic in the way of transforming certain limitation (budget, timing, level of construction etc) to
design opportunities, we will be able to generate creative frictions. The concept of “local” would come along rather naturally.

4 临界的三位合伙人都具有大尺度研究和设计的背景。你们觉得在中国做真正景观的最大挑战是什么?突破口在哪里?
All three partners of reMIX have experiences of large scale design and research. What do you think the biggest challenge of landscape design in
contemporary china? What could be the point of breakthrough?
Landscape design as a regulated discipline is very recent in China so the biggest challenge is the lack of a clear modern tradition that would make
the communication with clients much easier. Creating public awareness of the importance of landscape as a design profession is a critical long-term
task. Involving ourselves in academic institution through lectures, workshops and design studios, we are trying to make more people understand
the contemporary discourse that (large scale) landscape is a potential infrastructural element of our built environment (compared to a long
tradition of its beautification approach), which has huge significance on the way we structure urban growth especially regarding China’s new
needs and metabolic rhythms. Meanwhile, effective representation and communication is another crucial aspect that we would like to explore in
our research for large scale landscape planning and design methodology: if we could preview the spatial implication of certain developmental
goals (data visualization of density, traffic, pollution etc.) the decision making process would be much more structured and systematic.
As a small and young office, the biggest challenge for us is creating stable collaborations with large design institutes and local administrators and
governmental bureaus, to start having an effective role on large-scale masterplans. We have to build-up collaborations from the very first step of
a project. Due to the complexity of the decisional apparatus the risk for a project of not being fully implemented and operative, to become an
inconsistent pastiche of superficial gestures, is extremely high. Of course, this doesn’t only apply to China but is the very nature of large-scale
projects in many parts of the world; the difference in working in/for China is been immersed in his complex ubiquitous layered system of
bureaucratic and political structures,
5 国外的两个景观学位的学习对于陈忱你现在做建筑有什么影响?
Chen Chen has two landscape degrees from aboard. What is the influence when it comes to architectural design practice?
Landscape studies have broadened up my interest in understanding the larger context of urbanization where architects operate: the hidden
environmental footprint of cities and its impact on ecosystems that are surrounding us. (resource extraction, energy generation, distributional
network, trash disposal, etc) . It also helped me to construct a way of thinking that is more based on relationships among multiple layers.
On a conceptual level, ecosystem’s unique strength, sublime aspects and logic of transformations are truly inspiring for me. Contrasted to a
classical Newtonian paradigm focused on stability, prediction and certainty, contemporary ecologists’ way of working with natural processes and
time is extremely dynamic and brings an entirely new perspective and principles to the way I evaluate and implement our daily practices of
spatial intervention. Understanding the dynamism of the ecosystem change and its related features, such as adaptability, resilience and
flexibility, provides architects new source of inspirations; metaphors and models to inject as practices of formal innovation, particularly for large
scale projects. We need a new way of planning and diversified organizational models that are not aiming at fixing, constricting, defining once and
for all a masterplan, but designing and controlling processes that allow intentionally uncertainty and unpredictability (various scenarios and
dynamic temporal evolution).
On a practical level, engaging both disciplines helps to position ourselves in a particular practical space, provide us with the opportunities of
exploring the integration of landscape and architecture into synergetic and consistent spatial projects.
6 请为北京(或者中国的城市化进程)提出一个展望式的预想和一个现实性的建议?(从生态,规划,垃圾回收系统,发展等各种宏观或者微观
what is your vision for beijing (or chinese urbanization in general)? (hypothetical or practical suggestions) ( eco-system recovery, planning, trash
management, sustainable development... could be for a macro or mocro scale. )
来:从老牌景观设计师奥姆斯泰德(Olmsted)经典名作的波士顿翡翠项链(emerald Necklace),到全美的废旧铁路的步道改造项目(Rail to Trail)。大
After a decade of economic boom with no control over the side effects of massive industrialization, the environmental issues are becoming more
and more important for the public opinion and thus are becoming central in the government’s agenda. Chinese cities so far have repeated all the
patterns of growth of the western world (only at an unprecedented speed and scale), but it is time to experiment with new radical models that are
not just about adding a little bit of green here and there but about rethinking completely the energetic framework of the city. It is time to revisit
and find inspirations from some of the valuable heritage that was embedded in the long tradition of Chinese cities that are symbiotically related to
their natural environment. In this context we are very excited about the possibility of researching new urban paradigms for the Chinese cities of
the future.
For Chinese cities, one of our wishes is a system that combines urban green corridors with extensive continuous pedestrian and bicycle trail
networks. Originally Chinese cities had biking lanes, though half of which today are sadly occupied by all possible kinds of vehicle... On the
contrary, western cities have started inserting bicycle lanes to existing roads, planning in advance their infrastructural networks.
In Beijing, apart from the canals that provides the city with intimate spatial “brackets”, a pedestrian network doesn’t really exist. People that are
fond of outdoor sports couldn’t find freely places to go jogging, all outdoor activities are confined in either gated parks and or enclosed
communities. A city that cannot even provide such basic functions makes one feel unable to manage his/her free time, makes one loose the
impetus of exploring, discovering; it is simply quite sad. It seems that everything in Beijing is confined, defined, secluded, controlled, watched,
managed…Even the road network suffers for this specific attitude. There are huge investments in the beatification-mania of controlling every
road intersection but these are kind of superficial adjustments; either decorations or people-car regimentations. It’s a managerial attitude that
deals mainly with control, ordering, standardization, classification...
One good example that we could look at, as a way of intervening in the urban fabric, is the trail system in the US, which usually goes hand in hand
with green networks: from the masterpiece of Olmsted’s Boston “Emerald Necklace”, to the “Rail to trail” program which converts abandoned
railways to hiking trails nationwide, to the recent High Line case. The integration of landscape and infrastructures should be considered from the
first step in every planning process.
7 你们下一步的计划是什么?
what is next for reMIX?
We are trying to establish stable collaborations with international universities and local research centres to push our research on urbanism
further. Being a small office, we are very conscious of our limitations, but we hope that working within a much larger framework we'll have the
possibility to complement our expertise with the best professionals of each field and have a much stronger impact.